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Celody is a network state powered by a new form of music. By listening to infinite music streams, you generate tokens that are used inside a musical universe of digital people. In short, Celody is a world born from music.
Start ListeningThe music in Celody is structurally different from other musical forms. Innovative features include bidirectional playing, Web Api embedding, and token generation. Celody is like an abstraction layer on top of the musical status quo.
View TutorialEvery play of a Celody stream is a unique music composition that goes on forever. Playing the same stream twice results in a slightly different song because streams are generated using loops and randomness. Loops ensure that the stream plays forever while random computer fluctuations make sure the music is constantly changing.
View TutorialFORREV is a concatenation of "FOR"ward and "REV"erse because audio in the FORREV player gets played in both directions. The stream starts off playing forward and then reverses when it hits a random reverse-point. FORREV streams are also infinite and can be configured using the various celody modules for custom real-time logic.
View TutorialCelody generates tokens using a "proof of music" mechanism. If you listen to Celody music for a random time period, tokens will likely be generated. With this token, you can vote for laws, elect politicians, change personalities, swap images, mate people, chat, stake, buy stuff and more. The world is constantly expanding.
Token StatsEvery Celody stream generates music in real-time according to specific logic. This logic is embedded within a module. Modules are open source and can connect to external apis. By specifying the module field in the celody file, you can change how randomness affects the final stream.
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